To help compare orders of magnitude of different times this page lists times longer than 1019 seconds (320,000 million years) See also times of other orders of magnitude.

See the article about the ultimate fate of the Universe for more discussion of these issues.

The following times all assume that the Universe is "open":
  • 1014 years – the estimated time until low-mass stars cool off
  • 1015 years – the estimated time until planets detach from stars
  • 1019 years – the estimated time until stars detach from galaxies
  • 1020 years – the estimated time until orbits decay by gravitational radiation
  • 1030 years – the estimated time until galaxies disappear due to black holes
  • 1036 years – the conjectured time scale of proton decay
  • 1064 years – the estimated time until black holes decay by the Hawking process
  • 1065 years – the estimated time until all matter is liquid at zero temperature due to tunneling effects
  • 1085 years – the estimated time until electrons and positrons combine to form "atoms"
  • 10100 years – the estimated time until supermassive black holes decay by the Hawking process
  • 101500 years – the estimated time until all matter decays to iron (if the proton does not decay)
  • 10100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years (101026) – low estimate for the time until all matter collapses into black holes
  • 1010,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years (101076) – high estimate for the time until all matter collapses into neutron stars or black holes