Alpine Chough
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Corvidae
Genus: Pyrrhocorax
Species: graculus
Binomial name
Pyrrhocorax graculus

The Alpine Chough, Pyrrhocorax graculus, is a Eurasian member of the crow family, Corvidae.

It breeds locally in the highest mountains of southern Europe, the Alps, and across central Asia. It is resident throughout its range.

It is closely related to the Chough, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax, and shares its glossy black plumage and red legs. However, the Alpine Chough's long curved bill is yellow rather than red. It has a longer tail and shorter wings. It has a similar buoyant and easy flight.

This bird is often gregarious and fearless. Its loud "zrrrrr" call is quite different from that of the Chough.

Its food consists of insects in summer an berries or food scraps, especially around ski resorts, in winter. A cavity or cliff ledge is a site for the bird's nest.

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