Boonville is a town in California's Anderson Valley in Mendocino County, about 150 miles north of San Francisco. Boonville, despite its population of 719, has gained national fame in the USA through its radical leftist political beliefs and hippieesque ideals including promotion of organic foods and revolt against corporations. It was the basis of the Thomas Pynchon book Vineland and the recent best-seller Boonville by Robert Mailer Anderson.

Boonville has a rich and interesting history, including the creation of its own distinct language, called Boontling. Boonville, and the entire Anderson Valley region is also famous for its breweries. According to the label on a bottle of Boont beer, "It's bahl hornin'" means "It's good drinkin'" in Boont.

External Links

  • --The Anderson Valley Advertiser, the primary newspaper of the Anderson Valley in which Boonville is located.