Borduria is a fictional country in the adventures of Tintin. It is located in the Balkans, probably in what is currently the eastern half of Slovenia. It is a parody of a stereotypical Eastern bloc country.

Not much is known about Borduria, since it has been rather closed country. Borduria’s capital is Szohôd.

Borduria seems to have a preference for military governments.

In 1939, its political system was reminiscent of fascist or national socialist government. It unsuccessfully attempted to take over its neighbour Syldavia, which it is historically linked to.

By 1956, Borduria was reminiscent of a stereotypical Eastern Bloc country but with its own communist military dictator, Plekszy-Gladz (and his whiskers, the Kurvi-Tasch) and the "taschist" ideology.

Bordurian government is still looking for superior weapons to impose their will upon the world. No wonder, since even their landmines were defective.

In 1976, the Bordurian government supported the current ruling general of San Theodoros, Tapioca, and even sent him military advisors.

Tintin albums featuring Borduria:

  • Le Sceptre d’Ottokar (King Ottokar's Sceptre, 1939)
  • L’Affaire Tournesol (The Calculus Affair, 1956)
  • Colonel Sponsz of Borduria features in Tintin et les Picaros