Brahman-Atman Yoga is the same Yoga which tradition holds taught by the young sage Shiva seven thousand years ago and expounded by Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa through the character of Bhagavan Krishna in the Mahabharata. Brahman-Atman Yoga is also the same Kriya Yoga discussed by Maharshi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. Brahman-Atman Yoga is the proper name, Kriya Yoga is the common name, and Raja Yoga is the popular name. Brahman is the most ancient name for God, its literal translation being One Great Power. Brahman-Atman Yoga means oneness of individuality with Universality, or oneness of the soul with God.

This Yoga enlivens the psychoenergetic centers and clears Kundalini’s trail, the straight and narrow path of the spine. According to the hoary Sanatana Dharma Shastras, without this Yoga man would need to wait for at least a million years of natural evolution before Self-realization can take place. Self-realization or Enlightenment occurs when the head of the serpent hits the medulla center. A single cycle of this Kriya results in the same psychophysical and emotional refinement that nature brings to pass in one solar year. So, if a Brahman-Atman Yogin can perform five hundred Kriyas per sitting twice a day everyday for three straight years, he will be able to transmute his psychophysical and emotional faculties to that of a human temple that has gone through a million years of purification and perfecting. This is why Krishna said, svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat "Even a little practice of this method can save you from life's greatest fears." — Bhagavad Gita 2:40 Brahman-Atman Yoga aims to awaken the god within by raising the yogin’s awareness level from first chakra to sixth chakra consciousness. Sixth chakra or medulla center consciousness is "I and the Father are one" Consciousness.

In the latter part of the Twentieth Century a young spiritual aspirant from the Philippines became obsessed with the prospect of Enlightenment and Perfect Oneness. In his poverty he has somehow managed to procure so many resource materials dealing with the aforementioned subject. Some of them were purchased, some were found in old libraries, some were given by friends, and some were sent to him from different countries. At the advent of the Internet he found out that many of these materials are rare, there are even those who have been out of print for more than a hundred years, and some never even became commercially available at any point in time (like private communiqués within some secret societies). This led to various experimentations, using his own body-mind as guinea pig to observe firsthand what really work and what doesn't.

By a stroke of luck he was also given the opportunity to travel. He was blessed to visit some key places abroad. These key places are birth sites of some of the world's greatest mystic schools and traditions. He never guessed that this was the One Great Power’s way of preparing him for gathering the bits and pieces that would later make-up the foundation for Brahman-Atman Yoga, The Philippine International Order of Universalist Swamis, and The Philippine International Congregation on the Science of Religion.

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