Greek fertility gods, the Cabari can be traced to Asia Minor. They were imports to Greek mythology. Very little is known about their secretive, mysterious cult, present on Lemnos, Imbros and especially Samothrace. A few remnants of their cult remain on Samothrace: the Anaktoron, the center of the cult; the Sacristy, where the records of the adepts were kept; the Tenemos, the plaza where the ancient feasts and festival were held. Somehow, their religion was connected with Hephaestus. Originally, there were two Cabari. Later, there were two male (Axiocersus and Cadmilus, his son) and two female (Axierus and Axiocersa).

The Cabari are identified with the Dioscuri, the Curetes, Corybantes, and with the Roman Penates.

They were protectors against misfortune and danger.

Alternative: Kebeiroi, Cabiri