Captain Jack Sparrow is a main character of the film Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.

Captain Jack Sparrow is a pirate. He used to command the Black Pearl, searching for a legendary cache of Aztec gold - but his crew mutinied and marooned him on an island. Somehow, he escaped, and he's looking for revenge against the leader of the mutiny: First Mate (now Captain) Barbossa. Just one problem... Barbossa and his crew found the gold. And it was cursed. Now they're undead, immortal, and whenever moonlight falls on them, they become hideous skeletons.

Jack may need a bit of help to get his ship back.

Main Attributes:

A major 'thing' about his brown, leather, three-cornered hat (can't live without it)

A terrible thirst for rum

A slightly drunken walk (I say 'walk' - it's really more of a stagger, accompanied by very random flailing hand gestures)

An addiction to the word "savvy", which he uses at every opportunity (a total of six times throughout the movie)

A tendency to become more lucid when drunk, rather than less as with a normal human