Note: The name of these pigeons, and the entry, originally was misused, making it seem that carrier pigeons are the ones that are used for carrying messages during wartime, racing, etc. This entry is currently being edited to correct that error, and some links may point to this entry when they should point to homing pigeons.

A carrier pigeon is a fancy breed of pigeon (specifically a domesticated Rock Dove, Columba livia) that has wattles, a nearly vertical stature, and that may once have been used to carry messages. The birds that were used to carry messages during World Wars I and II were homing pigeons. The carrier pigeons of today are not good flyers. However, homing pigeons can fly for long distances at a top speed of approximately 40 miles per hour, and an average speed over long distances of about 30 miles per hour.

Currently the homing pigeon is kept as a racing pigeon. These pigeons is used in a sport which involves releasing pigeons at a distant location so that they can race back home. (See Pigeon racing and Pigeon sport) The carrier pigeons, however, are kept as an ornamental or fancy breed, valued for their unusual appearance.

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