CF-Pollable (contention-free pollable)

Wireless networking defined by the 802.11b standard uses CSMA /CA or carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance. CSMA Is a contention-based protocol making certain that all stations first sense the medium before transmitting. CA or Collision Avoidance. Each device on a wireless network send out a signal, a request to send, then waits for a Clear to Send reply from other devices on the network before broadcasting information

One way of implamenting CSMA /CA is for the access point to poll each device on the network incramentally, providing a Clear to send window. This is usefull when transmitting audio or video streams because of the strict syncronization that is provided.

  • See also Quality of Service, (QoS) and the 802.11e draft standard (draft as of June 11, 2003)

  • Source: (recommended reading)
Jim Geier. "802.11 Medium Access Methods". 802.11 Planet. November 26,2002. June 11, 2003.

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