Corporate Branding refers to the practice of using your company's name as a product brand name. It is an attempt to leverage corporate brand equity in an attempt to create product brand recognition. It is a type of family branding. Disney, for example, includes the word 'disney' in the name of many of it's products. So does IBM, Pepsi, and CocaCola. This can result in significant economies of scope since one advertising campaign can be used for several products. It also facilitates new product acceptance because potential buyers are already familiar with the name. A corporate branding strategy should only be used if the company is already well known by the target market and also has a very positive image in their minds. If corporate branding is done well, the corporate name can become synonomous with a product category (eg.: Klenex, Tampax). Even purchasers of Charmin will refer to the product as Klenex. The main disadvantage with corporate branding is the products are not treated as individuals, hence there is not adequate focus on the products' unique characteristics.

See also :marketing, brand, product management, family branding, brand management

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