Daryl Clark is the French pseudonym for Irish Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist/critic Ronald J. Johnson.

Johnson was born Dylan Barclay McGavin in Foxrock, near Dublin, Ireland. He changed his name at the age of five because, "... at the time I was watching a lot of Dukes of Hazzard and I wanted to become an American, you know, void of culture and ethnicity."

Just before the Gulf War, he took up residence in France, where he has been living since, writing much of his work in French. He is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Paris X, Nanterre. Clark has compiled an impressive body of work covering (but not limited to) photography, popular music, and poetry, although he is perhaps more well known for cultivating very specific nationalist personas for each of his namesakes.

Johnson and colleague Dr. Mauricio Medvedenko have created a very complex Jekyll and Hyde act, in which Clark as Johnson wears a green tie and Johnson as Clark wears a blue tie and on occasion the yellow jersey. Clark as Johnson drinks only whiskey; Johnson as Clark drinks only Pinot Noir. Johnson as Clark is known to reek of good cheese and hump grown womens' legs at debutante balls. Clark as Johnson always carries a potato and boxes people 1930s style outside of pubs, he has gone on one date with Britney Spears, and in 1992 was elected President of the Boston Steelworkers Union. When he was asked why someone that has dedicated his entire life to cleanse himself of ethnicity uses such ridiculous stereotypes in order to make a point that has become so convoluted nobody is quite sure what it was in the first place, Clohnsin replied, "It's hard, you know."