Diaper rash, sometimes called infant diaper dermatitis, is an irritating and often painful condition caused by prolonged exposure to urine and/or feces within a wet or soiled diaper. The most effective treatment, although not always the most practical one, is to discontinue use of diapers, allowing the affected skin to air out. As few families have the patience to clean up after an undiapered baby or toddler other remedies are more often used. Other recommended remedies include oil-based protectants, often utilizing petroleum jelly and shark or cod liver oil; zinc oxide based ointments, and, in extreme cases, antifungal cremes. Low concentration hydrocortozone creams are also sometimes used to treat the symptoms of diaper rash, although they do little to clear up the rash itself. Consult your pediatrician before using any product not specifically indicated for diaper rash to treat this condition.