A dollar store is a store that sells inexpensive items for one dollar each. A very popular concept throughout the world, the stores usually sell everything from cleaning supplies to children's toys. Almost all products sold in such stores are not in brand name. In addition, the products usually have a lower quality of manufacture than their counterparts in normal retail stores.

Often the term "dollar store" is used by the store to be intentionally misleading. Many stores claiming to be "dollar stores" often have many items that cost more or less than a dollar. The problem with the name is also compounded by sales taxes, which usually guarantee that no items will actually cost the customer a dollar.

Table of contents
1 Products
2 Notable dollar stores
3 European counterparts
4 Japanese counterparts
5 Australian counterparts
6 See also
7 External links


  • cleaning supplies (sponges, sprays, scrubbers, dustpans, bleach, cloths)
  • small tools (screwdrivers, wrenches, flashlights, locks, rope)
  • tape (duct tape, packing tape, scotch tape, electrical tape)
  • personal supplies (combs, brushes, barettes, hair pulls, shampoo, soap)
  • kitchen supplies (utensils, spatulas, peelers, dishes, glasses, potholders)
  • organizational supplies (crates, dish drainers, hangers, suction cups)
  • small office supplies (pens, pencils, paper, markers, tacks, paperclips)
  • decorations (Christmas ornaments, Halloween treats, Easter eggs)
  • home supplies (night lights, light bulbs, extension cords, candles)
  • electronics supplies (phone cords, TV cables, adapters, splitters)
  • food (canned vegetables, cookies, candy, ramen noodles, soda, water)
  • gardening supplies (small pots, seeds, decorations, tools)
  • crafts (ribbons, pom-poms, tape, scissors, paints, brushes, clips)
  • home decor novelties (picture frames, candle holders, paperweights)
  • small novelty toys (suction darts, rubber balls, plastic cars, booklets)
  • pet supplies (chew toys, collars, leashes, bowls, rawhide)
  • Outdated computer software.
  • Old movies and DVDs
  • Out of print books.

Some stores carry mostly new merchandise, some mostly closeout merchandise bought from other stores below regular wholesale cost. Other variations on the dollar store include the 99¢ store, and at least one $1.25 store. While they may each set a different amount, the stores' concept depends on having a single retail price point for all merchandise, regardless of wholesale cost.

Dollar stores are often franchisess. Dollar stores are the modern incarnation of "5 and 10" or "five and dime" stores where all merchandise was ten centss or less.[1]

Notable dollar stores

European counterparts

This phenomenon also occurs in Europe. In Britain they are called pound shops. One popular chain is called either Poundland or
Euroland, depending on whether in Britain or the Eurozone.

The Hema (Hollandse Eenheidsprijzen Maatschappij - Dutch Standard Pricing company) was originally a 'guilder' store, everything costing one gulden.

Japanese counterparts

This type of retail is also observable in Japan. It is commonly referred to as "100-yen shop" (US dollar being 100 to 150 yen).

The stores are said to be proliferating across Japan since around the turn of the century. This is considered by some an effect of decade long recession of Japanese economy.

For a long time, 100-yen shops existed not as stores in brick-and-mortar building, but as venders under temporary, foldable tents. They were (and still are) typically found near the entrance areas of supermarkets.

Australian counterparts

In Australia, these stores often sell aforementioned products for two dollars -- indeed, one store is named the "Two Dollar Shop", the other notable shop is named "The Reject Shop". Often, stores similar to these operate and are labeled independently. They are found normally in shopping malls, but also found in other areas streetside.

See also

External links