Esgueira is part of the city of Aveiro, in Portugal.

References to the sea waters of Esgueira can be found in 1057, since the production and commerce of salt were the great wealth of this river/sea zone. It was the head of the old council, founded by John_III_of_Portugal and extinguished in 1759. The town is composed by the places of Agras do Norte, Alumieira, Areais, Bairro do Vouga, Bela Vista, Cabo Luis, Caião, Esgueira, Forca (part of it), Mataduços, Olho d'Água, Paço, Quinta do Simão and Taboeira.


In Esgueira resides an age group relatively young. The town has 12 thousand inhabbitants, in an area of 17.7 square kilometers.


According to the spokesperson of the Town_Hall this is one of the sections with the most needs. There's a Health Department that works, temporarily, in the ground floor of the Town Hall, a Center of Rehabillitation for handycapped people, some clinics, two Dental Clinics, two farmacies, a Center of Clinic Analysis and a Surgeon Center. The town's ambition is to build a Health Center, which is by now a very discussed topic due to the fact that the future facility is planned to be built inside the court yard of the town's Elementary_School.


In this field it must be highlighted the success of Clube do Povo de Esgueira, on the district and national level in the area of Basketball. The town also has the activity of the Associação Desportiva de Taboeira, a sporting association what builds the youth in the game of Soccer. The Casa do Povo de Esgueira holds sporting activities for futsal, badminton, gymnastics and traditional games.


Esgueira possesses a relatively high schooling population, being that 3050 youth are enrolled in school, divided by 5 Kindergarten's 4 Elementary Schools, One EB 2.3 (Escola Aires Barbosa), 1 Secondary School (Escola Secundária Jaime Magalhães Lima).