Giulio Evola aka. Julius Evola or Baron Giulio (1898, 1974) was an extremely controversial Italian esotericist, who started as an abstract artist but later did a total reversal of his earlier modernist and futurist views and delved deep into occult traditions including an idiosyncratic form of sex magic and a deep belief in a race of "nordic" people from the North Pole who had a crucial hand in the destruction of Atlantis.

It is hard to speak definitively about his political views if any or especially his aims. Some claim that his exaltation of a "warrior caste" may have influenced fascism and/or nazism in a roundabout way. Others point out that he rejected nationalism philosophically and in general terms.

Table of contents
1 Books




  • La Tradidizione Ermetica, (1931)
  • Rivolta Contro il Mondo Moderno, (1934)
  • Sintesi di Dottrina Della Razza, (1940)
  • Gli Uomini e le Rovine,([?])
  • Orientamenti,([?])
  • Metafisica del Sesso([?])
  • Cavalcare la Tigre