Phase 02: It's Name Is Gundam

On the inside of Helopolis, the battle continues. Everyone in the colony runs to the nearest evacuation shelter. The Ginns continues firing at the Earth tanks and units. Milly, Kazui, Tolle, and Ssigh are running into the street until there was a big explosion in front of them. Out came two more mobile suits, but they did not know that one of them had Kira. The Gundam that had Athrun, lands next to a Ginn. Athrun told the pilot of the Ginn, Miguel, that Rusty failed and a Earth soldier is in the other mobile suit. Inside Kira’s mobile suit, Kira looks at the screen and sees Milly, Kazui, Tolle, and Ssigh. The Ginn began firing at Kira and Maryu outside the cockpit, but didn’t do any harm. The Ginn takes out a sword. Miguel tells Athrun to go and let him take care of it. Athrun then thinks of his friend Kira. He doubts that Kira couldn’t be there. He adjusts the Gundam features, so it can fly. 2 flying missiles heads by, but Athrun destroys them with the Gundam’s head machine gun. The Ginn then tries to strike the other Gundam, but the Gundam dodges. Then the Ginn charges, but Marrue activated the Phase Shift mode. The Gundam changes color and the Ginn’s sword had no effect. Athrun tells Miguel that swords won’t work with Phase Shift. Miguel tells Athrun to fly. Athrun doubts about Kira more. Then he flies away. The Ginn then flies at them, but they dodged. Then the Ginn hits them with the sword. It knocks them back into a building and they crash down. Milly, Kazui, Tolle, and Ssigh runs to safety and Milly then looks back. Kira then sees Milly on the screen. The Gundam gets up and the Ginn prepares it final attack. Kira then looks at the screen. He then goes into his first seed mode. He grabs the controls and ducks the Gundam. Then the Gundam rams into the Ginn and the Ginn falls down. He asks Marrue that if she can do anything because there are people around. He then pushes some buttons and asks how you can run this machine with this kind of OS. He tells Maryu to move off the seat so he can sit. He then types some stuff into the OS. The Ginn gets up and charges again, but Kira activated the machine gun from the head. It knocks the Ginn back a little and then the Gundam punches the Ginns head, and knocking it back again. In the cockpit Kira modifies the Gundam. The Ginn gets up again and this time he grabs a rifle and shoots at him. The Gundam flies away, but the Ginn goes after him. Kira then found the weapon system. The Gundam lands and so does the Ginn. The Gundam charges at Ginn and pulls out two knifes and stabs the machine. The Ginn then stops operating and Miguel escapes. He then activates self-destruct. Marrue tells Kira to get away, but the explosion blew up knocking them both. On a ship inside of Helopolis, Natarle sees the ruin place inside the ship. A lot of junk floats around. Then a door opens up and Arnold sees her and thanks goodness that she is alive.

Out side Helopolis Mwu continues fighting against a Ginn. He shoots him and damages him, but the Ginn flies away. Inside Vesalius, Raww hears that the Ginn is damaged and coming back. He then tells Ades that there seems to be noisy fly around and hes going out fighting. The Ginn disappears and Mwu sense something is coming. Raww then comes out.

Inside Helopolis Marrue wakes up and sees a Milly. Milly then yells Kira to come. Kira then asks her if shes alright. Marrue says the shes okay. Milly hands her water and Marrue thanks her and then she overheres some other voices. Ssigh tells Kazui and Tolle to leave the Gundam alone. Then a shot rang out. Kira was in shock that Marrue shot it. He tells her what she is doing and she tells them to leave the Gundam alone. She points the Gundam at Kira and tells everyone to move aside. Then she tells them to each tell them their names. When they are done, Marrue tells them that the Gundam is not a thing to be touch by civilians. She says that it’s a secret operation by the Earth. She then tells them that she can’t let them go yet. They argue with her that they are just neutral civilians of Helopolis and that the war has nothing to do with them. Then another shot rang out. Marrue yells at them to be quiet. She asks them how they could think their neutral if they saw what happened. Then she says that Earth and the PLANT were at war. She also tells them that it matters to them because they are living in this world.

Outside Helopolis Raww shoots at Mwu, but misses. He tells Mwu that hes aways in his way, but it’s the same thing for Mwu. They began fighting with each other. Then Raww goes inside Helopolis and Mwa chases him.

On the ship Natarle asks that if they knew what is going on. She listens to the scramble code and then she cries out that this is a diversion and ZAFT was really after the new models. Then a voice came out of the communicator that is Kira’s.

Inside Helopolis, there was no respond from Kira’s contact. Sssigh drives a truck that is equipt with the Gundam. Marrue tells Kira to continue contact and to get the Gundam’s pack.

On a ship the lieutenant and others crowd in the control room. Natale ask what a ship Archangel because it didn’t get damaged in the attack. Natarle asks who the survivors are. Arnold tells that there are few and most of them are privates. Natarle ask how they could operate with little crew. Then the door opens and officers come in. Natarle tells them to sit and control the controls. She tells them that there is a battle inside Helopolis and they have to go there. The lieutenant tells her that they can’t fight the battle and Natarle tells that she knows and they can’t sit here. Then the crew began operating the ship. Natarle tells them to charge up the ship with Helopolis’s energy. She also told them to prepare a high energy beam.

Inside Helopolis, but not that far, Mwu continues shooting Raww. Then a explosion blew up. Kira and they look up. There came out a Ginn and Mobuis Zero. Raww spots them and sees the last model. Mwu sees it and rushes to stop Raww. Marrue tells Kira to put in on the pack. Kira puts on the pack. Raww slices Mwu’s rifle from his machine and then Raww then charges to destroy the model, but then another explosion blew up and out came Archangel.