Halma (formerly also known as Hoppity) is a board game, which was invented by the Victorians.

The game dates to approximately 1880. The board measures 16x16 squares. Either two or four can play. Two players start with 19 pegs (pegs being the same as in the game of ludo or Chinese Checkers) in opposing corners, four players start with 13 pegs. The goal of the game is to move all one's pieces to the opposing corner. A player either moves a peg to a neighbouring square or (preferably) covers a larger distance by jumping once or several times in one go over neighbouring pegs to the empty field behind. This idea of consecutive jumps in one go is roughly comparable to checkers, except that no piece ever leaves the board.

The only difference with Chinese Checkers is the form of the board. A Chinese Checkers board is star shaped.

Talking halma pieces featured in a Rupert story.