Hochzeit im Korallenmeer, or Wedding in Coral Sea, is a 1945 animated short, created by the Nazis as propaganda material. It was written by cartoonist Horst von Möllendorff and animated by Jiri Brdecka. It was animated in Prague.

Czechs regard this film as one of their own, as in addition to Brdecka, Eduard Hofman, Stanislav Lata, Josef Kandl, and Jilis Kalas all work on this film. They all continue to animate professionally after the war was over.

Even if the Warner Brothers cartoon that this short was based on wasn't distributed in Germany, there is a good chance that a print was captured during the invation on other European countries. It would then be shown by German Propaganda Minister Goebbels to his filmmakers, so that a rival version could be made. This was common practice for the Minister, Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was shown in 1939 to students at the Film Academy. In other cases, the public versions of Max and David Fleischer cartoons had their names substituted with the pseudonyms Kurt and Carl Fleischer; the Fleischers were Jewish with first names that were obviously not your average German's.