Hualien County (花蓮) is the largest and least populated county in Taiwan. On the east coast, it contains the island's largest port. It is the starting point of the Eastern Cross-Island Railway (東部縱貫鐵路), and finish point of Suao-Hualien Highway (蘇花公路) and the Central Cross-Island Highway (中部橫貫公路). It also contains part of Taroko National Park.

Table of contents
1 History
2 Subdivisions
3 External links


Hualien was one of the last places on Taiwan to be settled by the Han Chinese, because it is isolated in location. It was mostly modernized in the 1960s.


{| border=1 cellpadding=5 !Hanzi !! Tongyong !! Wade-Giles !! Pinyin |------------------------------------------ |花蓮市|| Hualian || Hua-lien || Hualian |------------------------------------------ |鳳林鎮|| Fonglin || Fung-lin || Fenglin |------------------------------------------ |玉里鎮|| Yuli || Yü-li || Yuli |------------------------------------------ |新城鄉|| Sincheng|| Hsin-ch'eng || Xincheng |------------------------------------------ |吉安鄉|| Ji-an || Chi-an || Ji'an |------------------------------------------ |壽豐鄉|| Shoufong|| Shou-fung || Shoufong |------------------------------------------ |光復鄉|| Guangfu || Kuang-fu || Guangfu |------------------------------------------ |豐濱鄉|| Fongbin || Fung-pin || Fongbin |------------------------------------------ |瑞穗鄉|| Rueisuei|| Jui-sui || Ruisui |------------------------------------------ |富里鄉|| Fuli || Fu-li || Fuli |------------------------------------------ |秀林鄉|| Sioulin || Siu-lin || Xiulin |------------------------------------------ |萬榮鄉|| Wanrong || Wan-jung || Wanrong |------------------------------------------ |卓溪鄉|| Jhuosi || Chuo-hsi || Zhuoxi |------------------------------------------ |}

External links