There have been several people named John Thomas. This is a disambiguation page, designed to help you find the one you want. If you followed a link here, you might want to go back and adjust that link.

People named John Thomas:

  • John Thomas (general) (1725-1886) American general in the Revolutinary War
  • John Thomas (harpist) (1826-1913) Welsh composer and musician
  • John Thomas (senator) (1874-1945) US Senator from Idaho
  • John Thomas (NFL player) Lineman for San Francisco 49ers
  • John Thomas (filmmaker) American cimnematographer

Other John Thomas names:
  • John Chew Thomas (1763-1836) US Congressman from Maryland
  • John E. Thomas American author of children's books
  • John L. Thomas, Jr (1835-1893) US Congressman from Maryland
  • John Parnell Thomas (1895-1970) US Congressman from New Jersey
  • John Robert Thomas (1846-1914) US Congressman from Illinois
  • John W. Elmer Thomas (1876-1965) US Senator from Oklahoma

In the UK, the term "John Thomas" is sometimes used as a euphemism for the penis.