Jolt Cola is a highly caffeinated cola (a type of carbonated drink) made in the United States. Jolt was created in 1986 and originally came in a red aluminum can with blue horizontal stripes encircling the can. The famous Jolt Cola logo has the word "Jolt" in white with a colored outline and a yellow lightning bolt going through the letter "O".

Originally, Jolt Cola was fairly controversial, especially among parents. Its early advertisements tended to use a fair amount of sex appeal to attract potential young (probably male) customers. Early production of Jolt Cola may have had more sugar than the current formula, but it certainly isn't lacking too much. Jolt Cola has about the same amount of caffeine as regular coffee (but not as much as espresso or other specialty coffees).

Jolt Cola is a favorite drink among computer programmers and hackers.

Jolt Cola was originally made by The Jolt Cola Company of Rochester, New York; it is now made by Wet Planet Beverages, also of Rochester.

See also: Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew

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