June 29 is the 180th day of the year (181st in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 185 days remaining.

Table of contents
1 Events
2 Births
3 Deaths
4 Holidays and observances


  • 1749 - New Governor, Charles de la Ralière Des Herbiers, arrives at Isle Royale (Cape Breton Island)
  • 1786 - Alexander Macdonnell and over five hundred Catholic highlanders leave Scotland to settle in Glengarry County, Ontario.
  • 1850 - Coal discovered on Vancouver Island.
  • 1864 - Ninety-nine people killed in Canada's worst railway disaster near St-Hilaire.
  • 1891 - Street railway in Ottawa commences operation.
  • 1922 - France grants 100 hectares at Vimy Ridge "freely, and for all time, to the Government of Canada, the free use of the land exempt from all taxes".
  • 1925 - Canada House opens in London
  • 1927 - First test of Wallace Turnbull's variable-pitch propeller.
  • 1937 - Joseph-Armand Bombardier receives patent for sprocket and track traction system used in snow vehicles.



Holidays and observances

See Also:

June 28 - June 30 - May 29 - July 29 -- listing of all days

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December\n