Kenpo or Kempo (拳法; lit. fighting method) is a category of mixed martial arts that have a basis in Karate,that incooperates Shaolin Kung Fu and/or Kickboxing to make the art more technically complete.

It is believed that Kempo follows much of the same path Kung Fu takes, but in order to shorten the amount of time to train a person, methods from Karate were used as the basis to quickly allow a person to learn the basics, and techniques. As it often takes 10 to 20 years of continuous effort to master one form of kung fu, Kempo practictioners often can be black belted in around 3 to 5 years, depending on the instructor.

Normal Karate usually has linear attacks and blocks, or straight moves with power meeting power with the accuracy with power being more important then learning separate techniques. Kempo emphasis more circular moves, such as the hook, or the uppercut as main attack methods. Kempo has more grappling moves, and throws then Karate. Both Karate and Kempo use katas, but Kempo katas tend to have more techniques to them, with an emphasis on multiple hits.

Kempo draws some stances and training techniques from Kung Fu, but changed them to shorten training time. Where some Kung Fu beginning artists can be expect to hold stances for an hour or so, Kempo beginners tends to require less time in holding the stances, usually between one to fifteen minutes. Whereas some Kung Fu pratictioners use methods like pushing rocks, Kempo uses modern calisthenic techniques like push ups to build up strength.

It is believed that for people short on time that only want a sample of Kung Fu, and Karate, Kempo is a good art to learn.