Knights of the Zodiac or Saint Seiya is 1980s Japanese Anime about a group of bronze knights who adopted constellations as their totem. It is based on the manga of the same title (Saint Seiya) drawen by Masami Kurumada.

The main characters are:

Notable antagonist:

Saga, Master of Sanctuary (Ares) who also posseses Gemini gold cloth. Kanon, Saga's twin brother, who cursed him. Hades, King of the Hell.

Table of contents
1 Summary
2 Other Information
3 External Link


The episode began with a tournament among bronze knights to decide the new rightful owner of Sagittarius gold cloth, when suddenly a group of dark knights led by Ikki stole its nine parts. As the saga advance, they discover the network of evilness is deeper and deeper. .

Other Information

It is currently being aired in
Cartoon Network every Saturday night.

This article is a stub.

External Link