Marķa Elena Velasco, La India Maria (born approx 1940) is a very famous Mexican actress and comedian. Not much about India Marias private life has been let to the public's eye; she prefers to be seen by the public as the character she usually plays on her movies: that of a country side Indian who tries to make the most with what she's got.

India Maria has said publicly that she wants to represent Mexico's poor social classes, and she has tried to carry out social messages in most of the movies she has made. Her peculiar (for a movie star) style of dressing when she is acting follows the dressing style of many Mexican Indians closely, a red or green top with a red or green skirt.


India Maria is said to have filmed more than 40 movies in Mexico, and a number of television series. Among her most important movies are Sor Maria, El que no Corre, Vuela (Whoever Doesn't Run, Flies), and La Presidenta Municipal (The Mayor).