This is a list of individuals executed by the United States. The United States federal government (in comparison to the separate states) applies the death penalty for certain crimes: treason, espionage, federal murder, large scale drug trafficking and attempting to kill a witness, juror, or court officer in certain cases. Military law allows execution of soldiers for several crimes.

Table of contents
1 Recent civilian executions
2 Earlier civilian executions
3 Military executions

Recent civilian executions

Since 1963 only three people have been executed by the federal government of the United States:

Earlier civilian executions

Between 1950 and 1963, 13 people were executed (not counting those executed under military law):

From 1790 to 1950, there were 327 Federal, 271 Territorial and 40 Indian Tribunal executions according to the most complete records.[1]

Military executions

The United States military has executed 135 people since 1916. The last execution was in 1961.

Since the 1865 (American Civil War) only one person has been executed for a purely military offense.

See also: Capital punishment in the United States