Lu Xun (鲁迅, pinyin: Lǔ Xùn) or Lu Hsün (1881-1936), is often considered the founder of modern baihua (vernacular) Chinese literature.

Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, Lu was born Zhōu Shùrén (周樹人). As a left-wing writer, Lu played an important role in the history of Chinese literature. His books greatly influenced many Chinese youths. He was a lecturer in the Peking University, after returning from Japan in 1909.

In May 1918, he published the first baihua short story ever, A Madman's Diary (狂人日記, Kuangren Riji). In it, he heavily criticized many old Chinese traditions and family rules. Another of his well-known longer stories, A True Story of Ah Q (阿Q正傳 Ah Q Zhengzhuan), was published in the 1920s. Both these works were included in his short story collection Na Han (呐喊, Nahan, "Call to Arms", 1923). His other important works include:

  • Wild Grass (野草, Ye Cao)
  • Wandering (彷徨, Pang Huang) - short story collection
  • and around 20 more.

He was also the editor of several left-wing magazines such as New Youth and Mengya. He was the brother of another important Chinese writer, the essayist Zhōu Zuòrén (周作人).

Lu Xun is also another name of Lu Yi, a general of the Kingdom of Wu, during the Three Kingdoms period of China.