Madagascar giant day gecko
Scientific classification
Family: Gekkonidae
Subfamily: Gekkoninae
Genus: Phelsuma
Species: madagascariensis
Binomial name
Phelsuma madagascariensis
Trinomial name
Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis

Table of contents
1 Scientific name:
2 Scientific synonyms:
3 Common name:
4 General introduction:
5 Description:
6 Distribution:
7 Habitat:
8 Diet:
9 Behaviour:
10 Reproduction:
11 Care and maintenance in captivity:
12 References:

Scientific name:

Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis GRAY 1870

Scientific synonyms:

Phelsuma grandis GRAY 1870
Phelsuma madagascariensis venusta MERTENS 1964
Phelsuma madagascariensis notissima MERTENS 1970 (fide MEIER 1982)

Common name:

Madagascar giant day gecko

General introduction:

This diurnal gecko lives in northern Madagascar. It typically inhabits trees. The Madagascar giant day gecko feeds on insects and nectar.


This lizard belongs to the largest living day geckos. It can reach a total length of about 28 cm. The body colour is bright green or, rarely, bluish green. A red stripe extends from the nostril to the eye. On the back there are red coloured dots or bars. These red markings may be quite variable. Some specimens may have little blue spots.


This species is widely distributed in northern and northwest Madagascar. It can also be found on some of the off shore islets.


Phelsuma magascariensis grandis is often found on different trees where it can be seen basking. They also inhabit human dwellings. The climate is rather dry, though heavy rainfalls are quite common.


These day geckos feed on various insects and other invertebrates. They also like to lick soft, sweet fruit, pollen and nectar.


Like most Phelsuma spec., the males can be quite quarrelsome and do not accept other males in their neighbourhood. In captivity, where the females cannot escape, the males can also sometimes seriously wound a female. In this case the male and female must be separated.


The pairing season is between November and the first weeks of Mai. During this period, the females lay up to 6 pairs of eggs. At a temperature of 28°C, the young will hatch after approximately 60-65 days. The juveniles measure 70 mm and reach sexual maturity after one year.

Care and maintenance in captivity:

These animals should be housed in pairs and need a large, well planted terrarium. The temperature should be between 25 and 28°C. The humidity should be maintained between 65 and 75%. In captivity, these animals can be fed with crickets, wax moths, fruit flies, mealworms and houseflies.


  • Henkel, F.-W. and W. Schmidt (1995) Amphibien und Reptilien Madagaskars, der Maskarenen, Seychellen und Komoren. Ulmer Stuttgart. ISBN 3800173239
  • McKeown, Sean (1993) The general care and maintenance of day geckos. Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside CA.