Table of contents
1 Overview
2 Plot Summary:
3 Character List
4 Sebastian's Sodomy Song


A very dark comedy by director Peter Jackson, Meet the Feebles features Jim Henson-esque puppets, in a perversely comic satire. Like Henson's Muppets, the Feebles are animal-figured puppets assembled together as members of a theater troupe. However, whereas Henson's Muppets characterize positivity, naive folly, and innocence in humanity, the Feebles present negativity, vice, and other misanthropic characteristics.

Plot Summary:

Meet the Feebles tells us the story of the Feebles theatre troup. They are a group of performers who, that night, are going on live network TV. If they're good enough, they'll get picked up for a syndicated network show and everyone will get rich. Scenes involving violence, sexually explicit images, drug dealing, back stabbing, date rape, and death (including a snuff film within the film) follow.

Character List

  • Heidi (Hippo) - the star of the show. Severly bipolar. When upset, she overeats.
  • Bletch (Walrus) - The boss. He runs the Feebles troup. He's in a relationship with Heidi (this is never elaborated on), while in an adulterous relationship with Samatha.
  • Samantha (Cat) - Bletch's mistress
  • Harry (Rabit) - satyristic narrator who contracts the big one, a fatal STD
  • Trevor (Rat) - Bletch's enforcer. Directs pornography on the side.
  • Arthur (Worm) - Stage manager
  • Seymore (Elephant) - Animal trainer
  • Sandy (Chicken) - Has Seymore's child out of wedlock. He denies it is his
  • Robert (Hedgehog) - A new member of the troup. He has no vices. He falls in love with Lucile
  • Fly-in-the-sky (Fly) - stereoypical paparazzo bent on breaking Harry's story
  • Sebastian (Fox) - the Homosexual stage director with a penchant for sodomy - including an entire song about it
  • Winyard (Frog) - Addicted to "every barbituate known to man"
  • Lucile (Poodle?) - Singer in the feebles. Robert falls in love with her.
  • Mr. Big (Whale?) - Sedric's boss.
  • Barry (Bulldog) - Bletch's driver and enforcer
  • Sedric (Hog) - Tries to double cross Bletch in a drug deal
  • "The Masked Masochist" (Cockroach) - Actor in Trevor's porn. Dies after Madam Bovile uknowingly sits on his face and suffocates him.
  • \'Dennis' (Unknown - very simliar to Gonzo the muppet) - After the "masked masochists" death, he is convinced by Trevor to take a part in the porn movie.
  • Louie (Dog) - Sedric's side-kick
  • Madam Bovine (Cow) - Heavy pierced cow who does Trevor's porn.

The ending sees Heidi go on a shooting spree with a machine gun and kill most of the troupe.

The movie has become a cult classic, and has enjoyed great popularity since Jackson's success with Lord of the Rings.

Money ran out during production, so the flashback to Vietnam was quietly filmed separately as (with a different budget) as The Frogs of War

Sebastian's Sodomy Song

Near the end of the film, Sebastian the fox sings a song illustrating his love of the act of sodomy. Music and lyrics are written by Danny Mulheron
You must think it very odd of me
That I enjoy the act of sodomy
You might call the wrath of God on me
But if you try it then you might agree
That you enjoy the act of Sodomy
Don't worry if you feel ashamed; it's been around for years
Thousands more than can be named are interested in rears
Don't worry about Hell, no harm will come to your soul
We're not all Pentecostal, but everybody's got an asshole
Let me tell ya 'bout Sodomy
You must think it very odd of me
That I enjoy the act of sodomy
You might call the wrath of God on me
But if you try it then you might agree
That you enjoy the act of Sodomy
It might just improve your sex; it's a hard act to follow
A fact that fundamentalists find difficult to swallow
So join me as I sing of an activty that's fun
Open up your ring, and try it front to bum
bum bum
bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum
You must think it very odd of me
That I enjoy the act of sodomy
You might call the wrath of God on me
But if you try it then you might agree
That you enjoy the act of Sodomy