A merger in business or economics refers to the combination of two companies into one larger company. Such actions are commonly voluntary and often involve a stock swap. In many instances a merger resembles a takeover but often results in a new company name (often combining the names of the original companies) and in new branding.

Classifications of mergers:

  • Horizontal mergers take place where the two merging companies both produce similar product in the same industry.
  • Vertical mergers occur when two firms, each working at different stages in the production of the same good, combine.
  • Conglomerate mergers take place when the two firms operate in different industries.

The occurrence of a merger often raises concerns in anti-trust circles. Devices such as the Herfindahl index can analyze the impact of a merger on a market and what, if any, action could prevent it.

A unique type of merger called a reverse merger is used as a way of going public without the expense and time required by an IPO.

Compare mergers and acquisitions.

Famous mergers include:

A merger in Criminal Law characterises situations where one crime subsumes another. See Doctrine of Merger