Miesiac is the Slavic Moon deity; seen as both male and female. In both mythology of male and female deification, the moon is revered with the power to heal. As the Sun’s wife (Dazbog's wife), she grows older during the winter and moves away from her husband, but to return to him in the Summer when her youth returns. She is the mother of the stars with Dazbog as well. In the mythology of the Moon being male, he is the Dazbog's bald uncle and consort of Dennitsa (Zorya Dnieca). Associated with the waxing and waning phases of dying but then being revived. In one myth, the Moon was married to a Sun Goddess but seduced Dennitsa. As punishment, Piorun struck his face, scarring him to account for the phases of the moon. In another version, his phases are his shame as he turns away from the Sun Goddess that was unfaithful to him. His festival seems to fall on midsummer's day.

See also Polish mythology