Milk And Kisses is an album by Cocteau Twins issued in 1996. It proved their last; a meeting two years later to record a new album ended with the breakup of the band.

Milk And Kisses is seen by many listeners as a return to the band's roots after the previous album Four Calendar Cafe. More complex sound textures and the "wall of sound" guitar effect which was the band's trademark reappear here. Also the vocals of Elizabeth Fraser reverted to unintelligibility; the first track, "Violaine" even features backwards vocals to make recognition of her lyrics more difficult.

Track listing

  • Violaine
  • Serpentskirt
  • Tishbite
  • Half-Gifts
  • Calfskin-Smack
  • Rilkean Heart
  • Ups
  • Eperdu
  • Treasure Hiding
  • Seekers Who Are Lovers