The Muslim Brotherhoods of Senegal (and of The Gambia) are currently active Muslim organizations founded in past centuries by alleged "messengers" or "prophets" of Al'lah.

The three largest are:

  • The Xaadir (Qadriyya), the oldest, originally founded by the Sufi mystic Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in the 12th Century, now pan-Islamic, spread to Senegal in the 18th Century.
  • The Tijaans (Tidianes), the largest in membership, founded by the Algerian marabout Al-Tijaniyya who called himself a Prophet of Al'lah and more.
  • The Mourides, the richest and most active, founded by marabout Amadou Bamba (1850-1927) of French West Africa, now Senegal.