The Nahal Brigade and the elite 890 tzanhanim battalion oppose our governments continuing occupation of the territories which has politicized and torn apart the IDF all of us love so much.

No sane soldier in our unit or throughout the IDF wants to serve in the territories.

The fate of the settlers there are of no interest to us. If they have no better brains than to live among 1 1/2 million Arabs; whatever happens to them for their idiocy, they deserve.

My Father is a very senior IDF officer and told Moshe Yaalon if I am sent to the territories, he will issue counterorders cancelling my territories duty whether legal or not, and contact the media.

I have Vitamin P but the remainder of my comrades in Nahal do not.

People of Israel, we beg you to force our government to remove the IDF from the territories while we still have an army, for if not, our army will crumble quickly.

Nahal Seren Rami Kibbutz Gezer