Wheat Norin 10 is a semi-dwarf variety of wheat, with very large ears, which grew in the experimental station of Norin, Japan.

Norin 10 provided two very important genes, Rht1 and Rht2, that resulted in reduced-height wheats, thus allowing better nutrient uptake and tillerage (when heavily fertilised with nitrogen, tall varieties grow too high, become top-heavy, and lodge).
The biologist Solomon sent the Norin 10 seeds to Orville Vogel. These samples were used by Norman Borlaug and collaborators and crossed with Mexican traditional varieties. They obtained the high-output varieties which were tested in India (Lerma Rojo 64 and Sonora 64) during the green revolution.

Norin 10 helped developing countries, such as India and Pakistan to increase the productivity of their crops from approximately 60% during the green revolution.

See also: biodiversity -- Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan

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