Odr is the name of Freya's beloved husband. He is also known as Swipdag and Erich, and possibly also as Herm-Odr. He is extremely eloquent (but also a bit ill tempered), thus his heiti Odr. He may have been a precursor to Odin.

Odr is Swipdag and was part of the team for a long time, until he disobeyed orders and was banished by the Aesir, and was lost at sea. Freya searched all over the earth for him, and when she found him, he had degenerated into a sea monster. Still, she stayed by his side. One day, Hadding-Dietrich happened upon the sea monster and killed him. Freya was so upset she told Dietrich he'd better swear to blot the Vanir for the rest of his life lest she kill him on the spot for slaying one of the finest of the gods. Dietrich agrees. Freya then goes and finds Gullveig, under the heiti of Hyndla, to get Swipdag-Odr's ("Ottar") genealogy to ensure he gets into Valhall. This is in Hyndla's Lay. Then in Eriksmal we see that Swipdag-Odr-Erik does indeed make it into Valhall, where he can now be with Freya forever.