Ola Larsmo was born in 1957 in Sundbyberg and has lived in Västervik for ten years. He studied at Uppsala University, mainly in nordic languages, literature, theology and history.

Larsmo was a freelance editor of BLM from 1984 to 1990, mainly in Dagens Nyheter. He was a member of the board at Författarförbundet ("Authors association") until May 2003. As of 2003, he is living in Uppsala.


  • Vindmakaren ("The wind maker"; In Fyra kortromaner, 1983)
  • Fågelvägen ("The bird way"; novel, 1985)
  • Engelska parken ("The English park"; novel, 1988)
  • Odysséer (essays, 1990),
  • Stumheten ("The dumbness"; short stories, 1981),
  • Himmel och jord må brinna ("Heaven and earth may burn"; historic novel, 1993, paperback 1995),
  • Maroonberget ("The Maroon Mountain"; novel, 1996),
  • net.wars (debate book about IT and democracy, with Lars Ilshammar, 1997, paperback 1999).
  • Joyce bor inte här längre, ("Joyce doesn't live here ant more"), a book about Irish litterature written with Stephen Farran-Lee (1999). Autumn 1999 the novel "Norra Vasa 133".