On May 14, 1948 Jewish forces from the Haganah and Irgun executed Operation Kilshon (or Kalshon). Its aim was to capture the Jewish suburbs of Jerusalem particularily Talbiyya in central Jerusalem.

At midnight on Friday May 14, the British declared its civil and military authority in Jerusalem to be at an end. In the morning they evacuated the city in two large convoys, one moved north towards Haifa and the other south towards Bethlehem. Due to British complicity, the Zionists managed to obtain a schedule of their withdrawal in advance and could launch the operation almost immediately after it.

The Zionist forces quickly managed to capture "Bevingrad", as it was called by the Jews after the British Colonial Secretary Ernest Bevin, a compound that formerly had been inhibited by Russian orthodox Jews but had been rented by the British authorities since the early years of the mandate and used as police headquarters, courthouse and prison. Many members of the Jewish underground had been imprisoned there.

They also captured the Notre Dame Church, the neighbourhoods American Colony, Sheik Jarrah, Talbiyya, German Colony, Bekaa, Talpiot, Greek Colony and through the Zion Gate the Jewish quarter of the Old City.

A large portion of what was captured was to become the Israeli controlled portion of Jerusalem - "West Jerusalem". But some of the heaviest battles of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war was to follow and the Jerusalem frontier was to be redrawn many times.

Table of contents
1 Photos
2 See also
3 External links and references


See also

External links and references