Aerial sight of the palace (From IPPAR)

The Palace of the Dukes of Bragança (Paço dos Duques de Bragança) was probably built between 1420 and 1422, for Sir Afonso, Count of Barcelos - bastard son of king John I and future Duke of Bragança, the construction of the Palace coincided with the concretion of his marriage, when he came to live in Guimarães where the Palace (or Paço) will be built. The 16th Century marked the beginning of its ruin, process that was aggravated during the 19th century, when the Palace served for quarry for the neighboring population. From 1937 the rebuilding has started, made possible by the analysis of the structure and the reformularization of numerous elements, that had conferred it a Palace with European look that untill today it holds.

Many tapestries and porcelains are among various workmanships found in the Palace.

Today, the Paço of the Dukes is classified as National Monument (Monumento Nacional) - 1910 - and has in its structure, a museum and the main façade in the 2nd floor is destined to the Official Residence for the Presidency of the Republic.

The Paço is locatted in the Conde Henrique Street in Guimarães and it is open to the general public.

See also: Monuments of Portugal - History of Portugal - Timeline of Portuguese history - List of Portuguese monarchs - Kings of Portugal family tree
