Pesco/Pollo Vegatarianism , referred often as Semi Vegetarianism, is the practice of not eating mammals. Restrictions are in place for eating beef, pork, lamb, etc. There typically are no restrictions on dairy. They typically engage in this practice due to health reasons although many do practice for ethical or religious reasons. Most semi vegetarians have strong links to the conventional western health systems.

Table of contents
1 Types
2 Health Reasons
3 Related


This practice can really be broken down into three groups;

  • Pesco Vegetarianism
  • Pollo vegetarianism
  • Pesco-Pollo Vegetarianism

Pesco Vegetarianism

Pesco vegetarians eat vegetables, fish, and drink dairy in small quantities but typically have restrictions on eating poultry and eggs. Surimi products and Meat Analogues are typically consumed in place of the restricted foods.

Typically there are ethical concerns about the conditions in which chickens are raised for their eggs and for their meat. They also do not eat eggs due to health concerns over them. Although most Pesco Vegetarians do consume dairy, some also avoid dairy for ethical reasons.

Pollo Vegetarianism

Pollo Vegetarians eat vegetables, poultry, and typically eat eggs and consume dairy in small quantities. They prohibit eating of fish. Typically this is due to ethical concerns due to fishing methods, which also catch and kill aquatic mammals along with the fish. Meat Analogues are used to replace the prohibited foods. Some also avoid fish because toxins from pollution have been demonstrated to build up in fish. A small number practice this because of religious beliefs. Some pollo vegetarians do not consume dairy.

Pesco-Pollo Vegetarianism

Pesco-Pollo Vegetarians eat both fish and poultry and typically consume dairy and eggs in small quantities. They only prohibit the eating of mammals. Meat Analogues may be used to replace prohibited foods. Although some practice this for ethical reasons, most practice it for health reasons.

Health Reasons

Both poultry and fish products, especially Surimi, tend to be lower in fat than red meat from pork, beef, lamb, etc. The conventional western health system has been recommending for several decades to lower fat consumption. Likewise the western health system has been finding health benefits that they attribute to the consumption of soy and okra in reducing heart disease and in reductions of certain cancers.
