The Scottish Reformed Church in Elbing, Province of Prussia was founded by Scottish immigrants to Elbing. In the 16th century the Hanseatic League trade city near the Baltic Sea had a large trade volume with England and many English and Scots had come to live in Elbing. The Scottish founded the reformed church of Elbing . They also formed the brotherhood of Scottish Nation of the reformed church, registered as Bruderschaft Schottischer Nation der reformierten Gemeinde in Elbing. Many of these people did not return to Britain and took on Elbing City State citizenship. Protestant Saint Mary church in Elbing had many family grave sites with names such as Ramsey and Slocume until 1945. In 1945 Elbing was captured by Red Army and burned doen completely; later on become part of Poland. The communist Polish administrators bulldozed over all ruined German graveyards to remove all traces in what they claim as Regained Territories, after they had expelled all German population to west of the Oder-Neisse line and moved in people from east of the Bug River.

See also: Reformed churches