The Scottish Republican Socialist Party (SRSP) were a minor political party operating in Scotland. They were formed out of the Scottish Republican Socialist Clubs, formed in 1973 to introduce socialism to the Scottish National Party (SNP) and grow support for Scottish independence amongst left-wingers who supported the retention of the union with the rest of the United Kingdom. The expulsion of the 79 Group from the SNP led to the Republican Clubs deciding to form as a coherent political party and they formed themselves into the SRSP in 1982.

Whilst agreeing with the SNP, in so far as they believed in independence, the SRSP believed that this should be combined with support for socialism. They argued that independence for the working class is meaningless unless it is socialist, and adopted an abstentionist position towards Westminster elections.

In 1998 the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) was formed and the SRSP narrowly decided to join them, and reformed as a platform within the SSP called the Scottish Republican Socialist Movement.

The SRSM has been active in campaigning against attempts within the SSP to ditch the policy of supporting independence.

External Link

Website of the Scottish Republican Socialist Movement