This is an article from the public domain Easton's Bible Dictionary, originally published in 1897.\nThis article is written from a nineteenth century Christian viewpoint, and may not reflect modern opinions or recent discoveries in Biblical scholarship.\nPlease help the Wikipedia by bringing this article up to date. Shunem - two resting-places, a little village in the tribe of Issachar,\nto the north of Jezreel and south of Mount Gilboa (Josh. 19:18),\nwhere the Philistines encamped when they came against Saul (1\nSam. 28:4), and where Elisha was hospitably entertained by a\nrich woman of the place. On the sudden death of this woman's son\nshe hastened to Carmel, 20 miles distant across the plain, to\ntell Elisha, and to bring him with her to Shunem. There, in the\n"prophet's chamber," the dead child lay; and Elisha entering it,\nshut the door and prayed earnestly: and the boy was restored to\nlife (2 Kings 4:8-37). This woman afterwards retired during the\nfamine to the low land of the Philistines; and on returning a\nfew years afterwards, found her house and fields in the\npossession of a stranger. She appealed to the king at Samaria,\nand had them in a somewhat remarkable manner restored to her\n(comp. 2 Kings 8:1-6). From Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897)