Siberian Stonechat
Scientific classification
Species:(torquata) maura
Trinomial name
Saxicola (torquata) maura

The Siberian Stonechat Saxicola (torquata) maura is a member of the Thrush family Turdidae. It is usaully classified as a race of Stonechat, Saxicola torquata, but may well be a full species, Saxicola maura.

Siberian Stonechat is migratory and insectivorous. It breeds in open rough gorse, tussocks or heather.

it resembles the closely related Stonechat, but is typically paler, with a white rump and smaller orange breast.

Siberian Stonechat is similar in size to the European Robin. The summer male has black upperparts, usually lacking the brownish tones of Stonechat, a restricted orange throat and black head. It has white patches on the sides of its neck.

The female has pale brown upperparts and head, and no white neck patches.

The male has a clicking call like stones knocking together. The song is high and twittering like a Dunnock.

See also