Take Back Your Government!: A Practical Handbook for the Private Citizen Who Wants Democracy to Work was an early work by Robert A. Heinlein. It was published in 1992 after his death in 1988.

This book was written in 1946 before Heinlein's success as a science fiction writer. Like so many of Heinlein’s works, he wrote what he knew, in this case based on his experience in California politics in the 1930s and in particular his efforts on behalf of Upton Sinclair's EPIC Movement and Sinclair's attempt to become the Democratic Party's nominee for California governor in 1934.

The book contains hasty annotations by Jerry Pournelle, which he had no time to finish or polish or fact check, since the publication schedule was dictated by a need to have it hit the bookstands while the Ross Perot campaign for President of the United States was still going strong.