Table of contents
1 Tapioca
2 Tapioca Jelly
3 Apple Tapioca


Cover 3 tablespoonsful of tapioca with water, and soak it two or three hours. Add a little water to it, and boil till clear. Sweeten to taste, and eat alone or with cream.

Tapioca Jelly

Wash thoroughly 2 tablespoonful of tapioca; pour over it a pint of water, and soak for three hours. Place it then over a slow fire and simmer till quite clear. If too thick, add a little boiling water. Sweeten with white sugar, and flavor with a little wine.

Apple Tapioca

Pare, core, and quarter 8 apples, take 1/2 tablespoonful tapioca which has been all night soaking in water; add 1/2 teacupful white sugar, and a little nutmeg or cinnamon. Put the tapioca into a stewpan to simmer 10 minutes; then add The apples, and simmer ten minutes more. When cold it will form a jelly around the apples.