Ternary logic is a multi-valued logic in which there are three states, thus the ternary numeral system is used to represent ternary logic equations. This article is a work in progress.

Table of contents
1 Base 3
2 Trits, Tribbles, and Trytes
3 Basic Ternary Algebra: Unary Functions
4 Binary Functions
5 Advanced Functions
6 Implementation
7 Magnetism
8 Electromechanical Relays
9 Rapid Single Flux Quantum
10 Rectifiers
11 External Links

Base 3

Compared to Analog

Compared to Base 10 and 2

Compared to Base e

Base 9 and 27

Trits, Tribbles, and Trytes

Basic Ternary Algebra: Unary Functions

Constant Functions

000 clear to 0
111 clear to 1
222 clear to 2

One-to-One Functions

The symbols here need to be TeXified; font face Symbol is unacceptable

F#  Name    Diff:012 Inverse   Expression
012 buffer       '''  012      A    A
021 swap 1/2     '/\\  021      ['A  ÈA
102 swap 0/1     /\\'  102      ]'A  ÇA
120 rotate up    ///  201      ]A   ÇA
201 rotate down  \\\\\\  120      [A   ÈA
210 swap 0/2     \\'/  210      'A   A, or A'

Many-to-One Functions

F#  ITE  Expression
001 210 \\A     æA            Shift Down
002 220 ]/'A   ÇäA
010 100 \\]A    æÇA
011 001 \\/A    æäA
020 120 ]/['A  ÇäÈA
022 002 [\\'A   ÈæA
100 010 \\'A    æA
101 101 [/['A  ÈäÈA
110 210 [/'A   ÈäA
112 221 /\\A    äæA
121 121 ]\\]A   ÇæÇA
122 012 /A     äA            Shift Up
200 020 ]/A    ÇäA
202 102 [\\]A   龂A
211 021 ]\\'A   ÇæA
212 112 /['A   äÈA
220 202 [\\A    ÈæA
221 212 /'A    äA

Binary Functions


Preference Functions


Named Functions

Advanced Functions

Unbalanced Arithmetic

Negation: 3's complement

Addition / Subtraction

Balanced Arithmetic

Negation: Inversion

Addition / Subtraction

Unknown-State Logic

NOT: Inversion



Existing Computers


Electromechanical Relays

Rapid Single Flux Quantum


External Links

See also: Digital circuit