The Naked Lunch is a novel by William S. Burroughs.

It is the most famous book Burroughs wrote. It is a novel consisting of several short novels all written in a style called cut-up technique, which allows the reader to 'cut into' the text at any point and also gives the psychedelic and hallucinatory sense to the story that Burroughs intended. The stories are about his fantasy during his time in Tangier, filled with drugs (mostly heroin), homosexuality and taboo fantasies about peculiar creatures, personalities and Burroughsian mechanisms. It is a perspective so closely observing our own environment that it seems like mere fantasy, when in fact it has much more resemblance with ordinary life than a glance lets the reader understand.

The book was forbidden from being published for approximately ten years, presumably due to the intensity of some of the material.

A movie by the same name was produced in 1991 by David Cronenberg. It ulilizes some of the material from the book.