This Broken Heart is a song by Funkadelic from the album Cosmic Slop released first in 1973 .

Trivia: This is a cover of The Sonics song by the same name.

Like much of Cosmic Slop, "This Broken Heart" is R&B and soul-inflected.

Complete tabs at [external site with complete tabs]

Songwriter: William Franklin (a jazz trombonist)

Memorable Lyrics:

  • "Are you mad, at me, darling?/Are you sorry that we, we, we met?"
  • "Yes, and you've been finding more faults /Than Carter got liver pills/And I'm hip to all that Gemini material laying around, heh"
Complete lyrics at the Motherpage

The singer proclaims his love for a woman, and asks if she is planning on leaving him. He claims that no one will ever love her as much as he does.


Critical response: