Tholians are a starfaring and extremely territorial race in the Star Trek universe. They inhabit an area of space in the Alpha Quadrant, in close proximity to the Klingon Empire and the Badlands, known as the Tholian Assembly.

Tholian Biology & Culture

Believed to be non-Humanoid in form, Tholians dwell in an environment of extreme heat. They have crystalline heads, or perhaps helmets. [The only Tholian shown to date has been on a viewscreen, and only his "head" was visible.] Natural Tholian speech is a series of shrill squeals and clicks, similar to the sounds of a dolphin.

Tholians have little tolerence for deception, and are strict and insistent on punctuality. [The 2003 novel The Sundered suggests that Tholians have a short lifespan, making this a desirable if not necessary cultural trait.]

Tholian silk is highly prized and difficult to obtain. [I thought I read somewhere a backstage joke that the silk is made *from* Tholians. Can anyone find this reference?]

Tholian Technology

Besides utilizing standard offensive weaponry, Tholian ships can also work in concert to emit an energy field shaped much like a spider's web that will drain the energy of any space vessel trapped inside.

Tholian History

In 2151, Tholians made their first contact with Humans. As players in the Temporal Cold War, they opposed the Suliban in pursuit of an artifact from the future, disabling a powerful Vulcan ship in the process.

In 2268, a Tholian Commander named Loskene attacked the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 for violating Tholian territory while on a rescue mission to investigate the disappearance of the U.S.S. Defiant.

In 2353, Tholians attacked a Federation starbase and killed its entire complement, except for a civilian named Kyle Riker, father of William Riker.

In 2355, simulated Tholian battles were part of Starfleet Academy training.

In 2367, there was concern that the Tholians might get involved in the Klingon Civil War.

In 2371, a Tholian ambassador visited Deep Space 9.

In 2372, a Tholian observer was present at a conference in Antwerp, Earth, when a bomb destroyed the conference hall. Shortly after, the Tholians signed a non-aggression treaty with the Dominion.

In 2379, the Romulans had diplomatic relations with the Tholians.

External Links

  • Tholians at Memory Alpha, a Star Trek WikiWiki